The audio files are also available in OGG format as a separate download to replace FLAC files when using ScummVM on platforms that do not support FLAC audio. It contains video in DXA format and audio in FLAC format. When using older versions of ScummVM you need to get the cutscene pack below (provided with the kind permission of Revolution Software) to replace the original smacker files. Since version 1.0.0 ScummVM supports the original cutscenes in smacker format for Broken Sword 1 and the cutscene pack below is not needed. Flight of the Amazon Queen - Freeware Floppy Version (French) (6.5 MiB.Flight of the Amazon Queen - Freeware Floppy Version (6.8 MiB.Flight of the Amazon Queen - Freeware CD Version (Italian subtitles, English voices, ogg compressed sfx/speech) (62.1 MiB.Flight of the Amazon Queen - Freeware CD Version (Hebrew subtitles, English voices, ogg compressed sfx/speech) (63.1 MiB.Flight of the Amazon Queen - Freeware CD Version (German voices and subtitles, ogg compressed sfx/speech) (72.4 MiB.Flight of the Amazon Queen - Freeware CD Version (French voices and subtitles, ogg compressed sfx/speech) (61.5 MiB.Flight of the Amazon Queen - Freeware CD Version (unmodified original) (107.4 MiB.
#Backyard baseball 2003 scummvm manuals
DreamWeb - Manuals (English Low Resolution) (24.5 MiB.DreamWeb - Manuals (English High Resolution) (177.8 MiB.